
QuicFix allows you to

  • Find the right contractor for the job you need done
  • Communicate and discuss details of the job
  • Securing and safely pay for the job
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Find Contractors Fast

Find contractors for your job fast, with our powerful search.

Easy to Use

The app is easy and straight forward for anyone to use


Communicate directly with contractors before the job, so you know exactly what your getting.

Start a job from anywhere

Start a job from anywhere, even when your out of town.


What is QuicFix?

QuicFix's purpose is to provide homeowners the best experience when looking for contractors to hire for jobs around their home.

We have made the easiest app to help you find the right contractor for the job

  • No hidden fees
  • Easy to find contrators right for the job
  • Pay securly and safely

For contractors, unlike other platforms we don't charge a monthly fee and we don't have a "pay for leads" model. Just signup and let the customers come to you.

  • No paying for leads or subscription fees
  • Payouts when you want

QuicFix App